Geophia Motivational Words

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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wonder with a difference.


Text: Psalms 139:14 (KJV)

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Friends, you must know whom you are made of. I believe every one of us wants to make a difference and an imprint in our life time.  But if I ask you, have you made a difference in your world? I think most of the response would be like “Hmmmmm”, “I have no money”, “I am not that intelligent”, etc., but I tell you these are just excuses, and these excuses or mindset has hindered a lot of us with our several opportunities.

Interestingly, to make a difference means to stand out, to make a mark, to contribute meaningfully to your generation, or to touch someone’s life either directly or indirectly. All these definitions on making a difference do not require money or intelligence or any other excuses. It just needs you to use that wonderful substance or talent or imperfection in you. Like in Jeremiah 1: 6 Then said I Ah Lord God behold I cannot speak: for I am a child.  All you need is to be sent by God despite the fears, God is with you as a wonder with a difference and you will deliver fully.  Amazingly, there is actually a wonder in every one of us, and this wonder or talent is meant to serve humanity, and by so doing, it is meant to bring praises to God. Unfortunately, we get so carried away with excuses that the world and our limitations give us, and this results in us forgetting that we carry something great. God created every one of us with uniqueness for a purpose, and it is not meant to be hidden rather utilize all in Jesus name.


1.      Help me Lord, to be unique in all my endeavours so as to become a difference maker in my life time, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Friends, look beyond your weakness and see your strength for impact.

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