Geophia Motivational Words

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Monday, July 6, 2020

Overshadowing darkness

Text: Genesis 1: 3-4 (KJV)
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Have you ever realized that when you are in a particular crisis, there is always a solution available, only if you follow the right principles? We have a great privilege in God because He gave us a practical template which is meant to help us resolve all our crisis. The processes involved in resolving any crisis are the same despite the intensity of it. From our text of today, we can see that God has given us the pathway for receiving answers, which we will be discussing today. They include:

1) Speak out the action wanted: from our text above, we can learn that God spoke out; He did not keep quiet over anything he wanted, which is so amazing. He addressed the emptiness and darkness of the world, which received His word - “Let there be light”. He expressed what he wanted clearly; He was specific about what he wanted, which was LIGHT. Everything in life has ears and can hear commands. It is said that “A closed mouth is a closed destiny”, so do not just watch life like that and expect a change to occur automatically. Take action by speaking out; do not conclude on that negative report.

2) Expect an action: at certain times, we are bold enough to speak out, but we have no hope left. Proverbs 23:18- For surely there is an end: and thine expectation shall not be cut off. Our attitudes should not be contrary to our expectations. There is a future you are anticipating, so do not act otherwise. For example, we can use the story of Peter in prison as an illustration. The church offered a fervent prayer to God for him, and we can see furthermore in his story that a LIGHT was shone in prison, the chains holding him bound fell off, and an Angel of the Lord lead him to the iron gates. The most interesting part of it is that he knocked at the door of a house which had people praying for him, and a girl named Rhoda came to answer, she recognized that it was Peter’s voice, but she runs back to tell the others that Peter was at the gate. They did not believe her, they called her crazy and said that it was his Angel, but in Acts 12:16- But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished. Does it mean they were not expecting his release? Wow!! Let us always anticipate and have a strong belief as we make our requests so that our actions will agree together. I pray that our answers will not happen at our back because of the lack of expectation, but instead, we should see and touch all we have asked.

3) )The actions are good- in our text, we can also see that God saw it was good. Everything made by God is good, so do not expect bad. It might not happen immediately, but know that the evidence will definitely show and it will be a pleasing and useful result. Certain times, people see shame, frustrations, disgrace, failure and sickness. The question for you is, what do you see? If what you are seeing is not your expectation, do not accept it; press further to see good. Psalms 23:6- Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Our labour will not be in vain, in Jesus name. Remember, in every request you make to either God or man, there are only three options as answers – A NO, A YES OR A WAIT.

4) Division Action- there are times when there is a mix up in what you see from your request. It can be darkness trying to show up as a light, but remember light will always be a Master over darkness, so do not be scared. In Jeremiah chapter one, the Lord asked him, what do you see? He had to see for the second time before it was clear to him. So learn to separate yourself from those dark things around you, so that you can be clothed with LIGHT.

1. Father, please help me to see the light in places that seem like darkness, in Jesus name.
2. Oh Lord, please help me to always make the right choice at every moment, either in dark or light, in Jesus name.
3. Help me Lord to always speak out and take action instead of watching for change, to overcome those limitations, in Jesus name.
ACTION QUOTE: Try to reflect light constantly, so that every darkness around you will be swallowed instantly.

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