Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Breaking New Grounds

Text: Isaiah43:19 (KJV)
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Many at times, people think that the level they have gotten to is the final level, but that is a lie; there are still more levels ahead for you to attain despite your age, and the funny part is that those levels are not still the final level. In this phase of new things, we need to learn to make ourselves more relevant, so that we do not become outdated and miss the new grounds which are opening up for us. For us to attain these new grounds, we need to break the old ones and dig for the new ones. It requires process and action. We cannot just achieve a new ground ordinarily without making an effort; we need to get into something very different from the existing one to accomplish this new ground, and this is why many are given more than one talent.
From our text of today, the Lord said, “I will do a new thing”. The amazing part is that there are still new areas in our lives that we are yet to attain, but God is breaking those unfruitful grounds, so that we can become useful to both God and man. Romans 9:21- Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor? God has shaped each and every one of us for different and useful purposes; we need to give those unused areas in us to the Lord, who is in need of it. God is set to manifest in us, but we need to desire to grow and yield to this new level. It normally takes hard cracking with pains to launch out any new product, so just endure it. The stress you are going through now may be as a result of the NEW YOU, which is coming out this season. For this new season to occur, there has to be several transformations and adaptations, but all of that is just to make you fit for the new thing that God is doing. Remember, as you are experiencing all of this, the gifts in you are starting to find expression. God is bringing out those unused gifts and untapped capacity in us, so just let it flow with his instructions.There is a treasure in us that is still hiding; God is not done with us yet.
From the scripture today, we are reminded that, NOW IT SHALL SPRING FORTH, so this is to let us know that there shall be no more delays in those expectations, in Jesus name. It shall forcefully emerge into practical use as the limitations are broken. 2Corinthians 5:17- Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new. Due to our being in Christ Jesus, there is some unique creativity in us that will start to show and shine to our world. We need to discover our potentials to continue to bring forth fruits in season and out of season. There are new things which God is doing, write them out as he reveals them to us. He is so sincere and faithful in all His promises. Don’t dwell in the past glory. God is constant, but just know that He will continue to change us.
1.       May the Lord crack the untapped areas of our lives for His profitable use, in Jesus name.
2.       Whatever has covered my usefulness, may the Lord uncover all of them, in Jesus name.
3.       Lord, may I not hinder what God is about to do in my life by considering the former things, in Jesus name.
ACTION QUOTE: Ask yourself, am I hindering my new grounds or supporting them?

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