Geophia Motivational Words

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Monday, October 2, 2023

Restoration Lifestyle


Text: Job 1:21b (KJV)            


….The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord.


The restoration in human world is returning to the original state or form but with God or in Christianity it is not just returning to its original state but even more. God returns more than you lost even up to complete and multiple restoration.In Job 1:13-20, we see that Job lost everything in just a day. We as Christians need to realize that when we lose something, it is a door for God's greater blessing for us. Losing something is painful (very painful), but when restored, you forget the pain, how about been restored double-fold of what you lost (double happiness).


Interestingly, when we lose something, it is all about a test of our faith. In the story of Job, he lost everything because the devil wanted to test his faith but the God who is greater and higher, restored to Job twice the fortune lost and he had rest. The point of losing was a test, but at the end, Job's life was fully restored and fulfilled.Job.42:17 So Job died, being old and full of days.That means he ended well even seeing his several generations.


The question is, we as Christians do we lose all hope when we have lost everything or do we still believe that this is just a test of faith and there's a restoration occurring soon? Remember, the restoration may take days, months, years or even decades but we have to continue to trust God because God will surely come through for us in Jesus name.


ACTION QUOTE: Restoration starts with REST

R: restoration of

E: everything

S: satan

T: took



Ÿ  God, help us to see the bigger picture during the trying times as to receive the multiple fold like Job in Jesus name.

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