Geophia Motivational Words

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Friday, August 16, 2024

Remember Your Report Card


Text: Job 31:4(KJV)

Do not he see my ways, and count all my steps.

Friends, we should not forget that there is a day of assessment. It can be a day of rating and evaluation from your teacher, boss, spouse, colleagues etc. Therefore, let’s live a life of integrity from inside out.  Just like students you are issued a report card that shows how well you performed for a period of time. And the good news is, if you got a good grade you show case it but if it is very poor you hide yourself. And the question is, what can you present as your self- assessment in your journey so far? There is always a termination day. Phili4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Indeed, there is a day of reckoning, let’s therefore walk with that consciousness.

Interesting, Job’s evaluation was that of a man of uprightness that lives with integrity. Friends, there is a good report which the elders also obtained in their time. Like Job, he had fulfilled the requirement of Gods law and many more. He did not follow the desire of the flesh neither did he live blameless. He was not enticed by the world standard and was not led by the eyes of the flesh but he walked by the covenant of the scriptures. Job lived a remarkable life with good report because he knew his redeemer lives. Ultimately, his report shows he feared God and shunned evil. And by the God’s grace, it is still possible not to follow the crowd to do evil.  And the greatest of them all is the good report to our heaven father where we shall be crown, well done thou good and faithful servant. I pray we shall return to our king with excellent report card in Jesus name.


1.    Father, may the brightness of our lives shine even in this perverse generation with our heart fixed to please the almighty God in Jesus name


ACTION QUOTE: Remember, there is a path to good and honest report, journey likewise.

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