Geophia Motivational Words

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Newness of Hope


Happy Independence Day to Nigerians

Text: Isaiah 43:18 (KJV)            


Remember, ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.


We thank God for the new month of October. Welcome to a new season and Happy Nigerian Independence Day for our new is here again. Friends,There is no restriction to new happenings, both to individuals, small groups and global nation. There is no more permanent captivity but a renewed hope by Christ Jesus.  The journey in our lives opens and grants unto us new gates with excellent opportunities. God has been faithful and we must learn to keep our faith and hope alive for He is able to take us through every stormy and wilderness experience. No matter the current weather, God is more than able take us across to the other side of our dreams and vision in Jesus name.  This is not a time to entertain frustration in life or in your vision rather hold unto the word of God which is a promise that will not fail.


Excitedly, this new month is a time we must forget the old and negative experiences. Yes, it is normal to ponder on things, but let’s be intentional not to dwell on the past rather look up to the future because there are glorious things ahead that is about to open to all.  You should not allow the pressure of yesterday affect your positive output tomorrow. We should learn to set our love on the word of God and His promises as to keep and sustain your newness of hope. There is no situation our God cannot change, but we just need to listen carefully on His agenda for the now.Psalm 78:16 He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers. Our God is melting difficult matters, forget all that and don’t lose hope in Jesus name.



1.       Father, we pray for a practical experience of new things in all ramification of our lives in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE:Friends, there is an opening of new things now, as God is not tied of opening fresh opportunities.

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