Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

My Angelic Ministration

Text: Matthew 4:11 (KJV)                          

Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.


In our text of today, we can see that after several temptations, the devil left Jesus, and the Angels of the Lord came and ministered to Him. The test ended, and an Angel came and attended to Him. This scripture reminds us that the temptations we are facing will soon end in Jesus name. The bible has taught us that anytime there is an angelic visitation, it comes with a load of care; it can either be a package, a gift, a new idea, a revelation or an answer to a long-lasting question as we engage our Angels to work. Hebrews 1:14- Are they not ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?God has sent His Angels to help us in receiving our inheritance from Him. For example, Peter, when he was in prison, the angel of the Lord visited him and flooded the room with light, while the two soldiers were sleeping. The chains holding him bound fell from his hands, and he dressed up and followed the angel to the iron gate, which was open on its own accord. There is an effortless victory to those battles as we engage the Angels of the Lord.  InDaniel 3:28a- Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, anddelivered his servants that trusted in him, ……..The angel showed up in the fiery furnace that was heated up seven times more, with the three Hebrew boys bound by the strongest men of the army, but the best part is that they came out unhurt without even the smell of fire on them. Friends, this is a reminder that you are coming out of that situation without even a trace or a mark of the enemy around you because of this angelic visitation in Jesus name. Even Daniel faced so much battles, that he engaged in prayers and mourned for 21 days without any pleasant food nor wine and still no result.


Daniel 10:13- But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. It may seem as your prayers and all your efforts are all aborted or to no avail but do not give up. Do not drop your gift at all, but instead, BE SENSITIVE AND WATCH OUT. Daniel was visited, and he saw a vision and all his long-lasting delays were all fixed. He has actually sent His angels on errands to deliver our miracles, so just call your angels for your visitation. From the first day we pray to God, our words are heard, but there is Prince of the kingdom of Persia, who is withstanding our answers, but remember that those authorities which carry satanic embargoes and barriers are already defeated, in Jesus name. Just like for Daniel, Angel Michael had to be sent to help and strengthen him. So, remember, you are also God’s ministering angel to someone, so do not hinder that person’s miracles in Jesus name.


PRAYER POINT:                                                                                                                             

1.       Father, please engage our ministering Angel's to go on war and settle all our outstanding miracles, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE:Watch out, your gift package that is long overdue is being delivered this season.

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