Geophia Motivational Words

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Impotent Folk testifies


Text: John.5:3 (KJV)

In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.

I believe the majority of us are curious about today’s topic; I tell you, you are about to learn something great. One thing that is sure in our world of today is that we are always confronted with diverse concerns; some may be short-termed, while others may be long-termed. From our scripture of today, we will be discussing about a certain man who was among the impotent folk, which had an infirmity for thirty-eight years. This man was helpless and powerless; however, the long period of his infirmity did not hinder his testimony. I do not know how long your case has been or lasted, but I tell you, your testimony will definitely locate you in Jesus name. From our scripture, we can see that a great multitude was laying at the gate; they were waiting for the moving of the water for them to receive their miracles, but an angel of the Lord has to come to trouble the water. We see whosoever or whatever kind of disease entered the water after the angel had troubled it, would have been made whole. So this tells us that every day is a miracle day, and this is because God daily loads us with benefit. Psalms 68:19- Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. All we just need to do is to be sensitive to our specific day so that we will not miss our appointed time. The truth is God will not give us more than we can carry. ALWAYS TELL YOURSELF THAT CHALLENGE IS COMMON.  1 Corinthians 10:13- There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

The question is, why did he stay for such a long period before he got this testimony? The answer is this impotent man has excuses. Many at times, this is the reason why we miss our blessings, we make so many excuses. Although the angel of the Lord had made it easy for them to get their blessings, this man still made excuses. Surprisingly, even Jesus asked him, do you want to get well? He still give excuses saying, “I have no man” to assist me. Wow!! He had the answer to his problems in front of Him which was JESUS, but he was still looking for man’s help. Thank God for mercy, Jesus finally told him to rise up and walk. We need to take a step of faith so as to walk into our testimonies. We also need to be sensitive to God’s help, so as not to be a hindrance to our own testimony. So I urge us to have faith today, and I pray God will help us to receive our testimonies in Jesus name.


1.Father, please I ask for immediate healing and wholeness in every area of concern in my life, no matter how long it has lasted, in Jesus name.

2. Father, may sin not hinder me or stand as a barrier to my testimony, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Can you take up a step of action concerning that matter now and stop the excuses?


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