Geophia Motivational Words

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Monday, August 10, 2020

Be of good Cheer

Text: John 16:33 (KJV)

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

I believe most of us have an understanding of how challenging it is to be in a delay because we are in one delay right now even with this PANDEMIC situation. It is usually a trial time, and we end up expressing various types of emotions like anger, frustration, depression, sorrow, etc., but there is one attitude that most people do not express, and that is the emotion of happiness. Most of us think that when we are in delay, we can never be happy, or if we are so glad, we have a mental problem, but that is not true. We as believers are meant to have this unique character of being of good cheer, but for us to experience this, we need to have an understanding of what it means to be of good cheer. It means you are happy and you can still find unspeakable joy despite your situation. This attitude comes with complete trust in God, and this is because you know He will save you at His set time. It says in Acts27:25- Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. By doing this, you will eventually become AN EXCELLENT WAITER, which will lead to you receiving your reward, and the devil will be put shame.

Have you ever imagined why when you enter a restaurant, there is always a waiter standing to receive your requests? Many at times, people look down on them, but why do you still call them when you want to give your order? That is because you trust that they will provide you with the right order. If you have realized, they stand for a long time, and when they give you the right order, you thank them. The same goes for us as believers. We need to have the stamina to stand for long so that we will not give up because, in due time, the order that will change your life will soon come. Please cheer up. Also, always find joy in the little things around you because that will even attract your testimonies to happen faster. 2Timothy 1:12 - For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. So I urge you to stay cheerful and overshadow your painful mood with a high expectation outlook, and by doing that, all your requests will be granted. The cure to frustration in waiting is CHEERFULNESS. I pray we shall not have extra delays again in Jesus name.


1.Oh Lord, help me to be patient at the time of waiting, no matter the pressure, in Jesus name.

2. Father, please help me not to delay my miracle with negative words and grumbling in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, please activate in me a cheerful mood that will spread in my vicinity in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Always remember Jesus is holding the JOKER CARD so your answer is definitely sure.


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