Geophia Motivational Words

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

He Knows Our Details.

Text: Luke12:7 (KJV)
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Most of us live a life of hide and seek, but the funny part is that we cannot hide it from God. We can cover up among ourselves because we are human, but not with the God of details. Have you tried to count a section of your hair? It is a tough task, right? The truth is our God has all the details. Our worth with God is far more than many sparrows. Wow, how great to know that we are so full of worth with God.Job 36:5- Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not any: he is mighty in strength and wisdom. The best part is, He does not look down on anyone despite His detailed information about our weaknesses. Amazing! He values even the littlest thing of our lives that we do not value. There is no aspect of our lives that He does not consider important. Now that we know he has the details, just allow this great God into your life; do not be afraid, just put your complete trust in Him. THIS DETAILED GOD HAS YOUR LIFE IN DETAIL. Anything you are feeling, he has the details and can give all the answers and directions, so do not cover up when you come to Him with your request. Before we even ask, He knows it all; that is why he can even answer while we are still speaking. He knows our desires from the thought pattern and is ever reliable. He also knows our make-up, which is - we are made from dust and how weak we can be; He is not expecting us to become a giant just like that, but instead, he is building us up step by step. Psalms 103:14- For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. Therefore, let us depend on His detailed instructions and directions, and follow accordingly. He gives specifications to all his commands. He is the creator of our brains and the universe, so what can he not see. All the raw materials we need to achieve our goal are before him; we just need to ask from the source. He gives the right idea and can dig deep to give us answers to the end, so just relax in His palm.
Psalms 78:39- For he remembereth that they were but flesh; a wind that passeth away, and cometh not again. He knows we are in the flesh and understands the troubles of this generation, so just allow Him to guide you through. He has information about all the challenges we are going through around us. For example, when He heals, it is not just the symptoms that heals but the cause, even the scars, and the unpleasant experiences. When we ask for life partners, he knows our ten years lifestyle and sends the right spouse. When we ask for work, he chooses the company that can survive the crises ahead. He also has the emotional details. What can't He do? He knows the end from the beginning and gives the best offer because He has all the details of our strengths and our weaknesses, so just be sincere with Him. We have the God of ALL, even now that we are thinking about the current events and the fears ahead. Remember, the calendar of our lives is on His table. If he numbered our tiny hair strands, then He has better information about us. So learn not to lean on your own understanding, but instead on the GOD OF DETAILS, so as to get to the finish line.
1. Oh Lord, forgive us wherever we have looked down or overlooked your tiny instructions in Jesus name.
2. Father, open our eyes to understand the magnitude of our God in that very fear around us, even when it is not very clear, in Jesus name.
3. Father, help us to walk patiently with You, so as to share the testimony of the final laughter, in Jesus name.
ACTION QUOTE: Do you know, God has the details of those secret behaviours?

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