Geophia Motivational Words

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Saturday, July 11, 2020

GOD of 3rd Chance

Text: 1Samuel.3:10 (KJV)
And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.
Many people say that God is a God of second chance, but do you know that He is also a God of third chance?  We will be using the story of Samuel as our case study today. When he was a child, although, he grew in stature and favour both with God and man, he did not have any personal revelation of who God is, so surprising, all thanks to God, he has a priest, Eli, who was experienced with the voice of God as a good mentor. We can see in his story that the Lord called him three times, but it was at the third time, that was when he answered the call of the Lord because God used Eli to direct Samuel on what to do when called the next time. This story teaches us that God does not give up on man despite all the distractions and ignorance. He does not abandon us. What a great privilege in Him. Although it may seem as if there is no direction, He is still present; we need to calm down and listen carefully to Him because He is still speaking. John 10:27 - My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. We must be conversant with the voice of who we follow so as to obey Him. He knows and calls us by our names, so we must be tuned to the same channel to pick the frequency of his voice. If He is talking and we are not tuned in the same signal, we would not hear Him; neither would we understand what he is saying. In this story, Eli connected Samuel to the voice of the Lord; we should learn to be careful who we run to for advice, so as we do not miss the original purpose of God for our lives because of wrong mentors. Many purposes have been diverted because of unhealthy advisers, so be careful. Proverbs 15:22 - Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established.
God has a specific assignment for each and every one of us with its locations attached to it, so do not be weary or tired of His voice of instruction; even if it may seem as if we have missed the direction, he is patiently waiting for us to return to fulfill His divine assignment. Many people have missed it because they concluded that they are in their final chance, but that is very wrong. God is not a man that would lie or go back on His words; he does not give up on us even if we have wasted everything, so do not conclude for Him. We are alive today because we have several other chances. So whatever opportunity you have lost, several others still awaits us if you listen carefully to His voice, and this would be your portion, in Jesus name.
1.       Father, as you did not give up on Samuel but instead gave him a 3rd chance, please do not give up on us, in Jesus name.
2.       Lord, please may we not go to the alternative in a time of the clouded vision, in Jesus name.
3.       Oh Lord, may I hear clearly and understand the next phase of my calling, in Jesus name.
4.       Father anyone that has gone in the wrong direction, please, we humbly come back to You as Your dear children, in Jesus name.
ACTION QUOTE: Are you on the current specific assignment from God, or are you on the alternative

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