Geophia Motivational Words

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Monday, March 17, 2025

The knowledge of Him


Text: Philippians 3:10 (KJV)

That I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his suffering, being made conformable unto his death.

Friends, we are in world full of knowing and acquiring of new ideas by trainings and skills. Hence, knowing comes from deep desire for intimacy.  But, Paul got to a point in life where he reaffirmed that those things were gain for self but loss to Christ because of the absence of the excellence of the knowledge of Christ which is the bedrock of any sustainable knowledge and height. Hence, everything are dungs that I may win Christ.  Therefore, we must labour and travail to know Christ that He may be formed in us and not having our own righteousness which is like a filthy rag before Him. But, our excellence should be through our faith in Christ and the righteousness of God by faith. And as we grow in this life goal of knowing Christ every other achievement in the world becomes countless. I pray our eyes shall be focused on this one calling of knowing Him. Ephesians 1:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. And this will reveal the greatness of His power towards us.

Interestingly, this is not a knowing of intellectual understanding rather it is beyond knowing to transformative. So, Paul’s desire is that I may know him by personal and practical knowledge of the how, the why, the when and the who he is to us. There is need for experiential encounter that brings us to the realm of conviction and confidence in our walk with God. Today, one practical way of knowing Him is through life challenges that takes us through the process and transformative living that draws us closer for a search of His word to the end that we shall come to know him practically. Daniel 11:32b (KJV) – …. but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And this yields an outcome of a victorious living in His power, identifying in His suffering, and dying to self and living fully for Christ.  I pray this shall be to us a lifelong journey of faith today in Jesus name.

1. Father, help us not to just seek a head knowledge on the facts about Christ rather may we experience Him fully in all ramification in Jesus name

Action Quote: Remember, the object of knowing must remain with a focus in Christ Jesus.

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