Text: 2 Timothy 1:13 (KJV)
Hold fast
the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which
is in Christ Jesus.
Friends, it is a thing of joy that as Christians
our encounter with Christ left us with something very tangible and we must hold
it fast. It is a sound and healthy word
that we can live daily with positive outcome. This is why our text of today
tells us to hold firmly and fast to the sound and true words which we have been
taught. Yes, we are in a time where many people are demoralize with negative
words, so we must be sensitive because what we hear can bring about healing in
every area of our lives. So, let’s heed to right and sound words, so we don’t
devalue our worth. Colossians 4:6- Let your speech be
always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer
every man.
Unfortunately, there
are lots of unruly and vain people in our world of today, who aim at destroying
people’s relationships with God and man. Therefore, we must be careful, so as to
preserve the good thing which has been committed into our hands by God, knowing
fully well that His spirit is dwelling in us and this can only be done by constantly
dwelling on His teachings. Colossians 3:16- Let the
word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one
another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your
hearts to the Lord. I tell you, this beautiful gift needs to be preserved
as we walk daily in His presence. Remember, our destiny needs positive and
right words routinely. I pray God
will help us, in Jesus name.
1. Father help us to hold tight to
those right words that proceed right action in which you have been filled by
the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name.
ACTION QUOTE: Remember to mold
and frame your environment with healthy words from good conscience.
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