Text: Psalm
For thou, Lord hast
made me glad though thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands. O Lord,
how great are thy works and thy thought are very deep.
Friends, we must learn to provoke a lifestyle of gratitude that
start with Joy because that is what makes our enemy helpless in all
ramification of life. Even, when the wicked spring as grass, God exalt our horn
like a unicorn with the fresh oil of gladness that beautifies our day.
Thanksgiving is what flourishes our lives like that tree planted by the
riverside, so let’s therefore identify reasons to be grateful in life. Psalm 103:7 He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto
the children of Isreal. Indeed, there
is the ways and the acts of God which we must acknowledge over our lives that
brings about a heartfelt thanks. Psalm 106:2 Who can
utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can show forth all His praise? The
Lord has made us glad by reason of the numerous acts, hence, it is foolishness
not to understand the finger of God in your life because they are tangible
proves with multidimensional evidence today.
Interesting, the reign of God over our lives has clothed and
guided us with right disposition which is seen by His glory. Yes, as we
acknowledge God, it will cause the redeemed to flourish in season and out of
season. This is evident with a testimony
filled-life which is sure as we draw closer to the master. Yes, God knows our
frames and crowns our day with His loving kindness and tender mercies. Psalm 104:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul, O Lord my God, thou
art very great: thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Friends, there
is a covering of light like a garment upon your life and that is what brings about
the honour and majesty today in Jesus name.
1. Father,
thank you for not rewarding us according to our iniquities with the blindness
of our minds in Jesus name.
ACTION QUOTE: Remember, God gives drink to all and waters the earth
by His mercy.
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