Geophia Motivational Words

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Friday, June 14, 2024

The fruit of Peace.


Text: Isaiah 26:3 (KJV)

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteh in thee.

Friends, there can still be quietness in the midst of storm if we keep the truth by trusting in the Lord. Unfortunately, peace is disappearing in many people’s vocabulary of late because of tension that is visible all over the world.  Peace is another fruit of the spirit that expresses the God you carry and the magnitude of the trouble around us.  Remember, Peace is not the absence of trouble but your attitude at the center of the challenge matters a lot. It is not a time to run after hard times rather a moment to be calm as we focus on the strong city which has all we need. So, our salvation experience gives us access to enjoy the walls appointed by God.  Psalm 46: 10 Be still, and know that I am God I will be exalted among the heathen. I will be exalted in the earth. In the world we are in, we have to live like that tree planted by the riverside and flourished in season and out of season. There is absolute tranquility and restfulness when we hand all over to God.

Interestingly, we can cultivate a new life by staying and trusting in the Almighty God for everything. Phil..4:7 And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Indeed, the source of absolute peace is from God but we can only enjoy it through our salvation experience in Christ Jesus.  Therefore, it is the absence of God that makes the absence of peace as it starts from the peace of mind before we can touch the fruits of the spirit which is peace unspeakable. I encourage us to learn to be steadfast and committed to God on daily bases for total peace in Jesus name.


1) Oh Lord, exchange our trouble and anxious minds to a noiseless thought by reason of our relationship with Jesus and His promises in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Watch out for God’s word and His promises in those frustrating moments of life.

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