Geophia Motivational Words

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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The maker, in Green Pastures

Text: Psalms 23:2 (KJV)

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

There is a fertile location for everyone but it takes the master to direct us to that peaceful and very fruitful land.  But the truth is, you do not know the way to the promise land, only God knows it all. One attitude we must develop is to allow God to hold our hands and begin to order our steps on a daily bases. Do not journey in destiny alone without God, you cannot go too far before your fuel will finish. Let’s involve Him from the beginning, in the middle of our lives and at the ending. You can never be experienced in the journey of life to lead yourself. There are still dry platforms and corners besides the raging sea. Yes, despite the trouble and the raging storm, God knows the way through the wilderness. In those challenging moments, God can still direct us to a wealthy land, prosperous businesses and carriers no matter turbulence. Psalms 66:12- Thou has caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. There is a place called beautiful. Cheer up.

Interestingly, both in the fire and in the wilderness He is God. If you walk with your knowledge, you might be disappointed because your assumed short cut can be long route in disguise. . Proverbs 14:12- There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Do not lead yourself. The Maker is the one that can lead right and He knows all the pitfalls and loopholes of life. As a good shepherd, He knows the way to the green pastures and has the plan of your journey to the place of abundance and fulfillment. Why would you go alone just to be stranded, when He knows all the hidden obstacles and can direct you through the escape route.  Hmmm. I pray, we shall not be stranded because the fourth man is present to bring smiles and calmness at that difficult times in Jesus name.


1) Father, calm every storm that are before us right now, as you retrace our steps by your divine compass, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE : Remember, some corners on that journey are not visible at the start, so, walk with God.

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