Geophia Motivational Words

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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Grateful for the deep


Text: Daniel 2:23 (KJV)

I thank thee and praise thee O thou God of my fathers who has given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king’s matter.

Our gratitude must be given to God because He is the originator of all good and perfect things that we are enjoying today. We need to recognize God as the source of the miracles we have experienced as to enjoy many more. It is obvious that it is not our effort because we can on own do nothing. It is for us to yield totally that he made it to happen. Let’s learn to appreciate Him because he is the God of the old and the young even our forefather when he led them in diverse ways. You can develop an attitude to look out for reasons to celebrate God.  1Thess.5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Interestingly, Daniel realized that, the secret and deep things were made known to him by the grace of God. This gift of God goes beyond the physical things which makes us to be ungrateful if they are not visible. But, thank God for loads of wisdom, mighty and vitality on us, thank him as he is the source of that great and glorious idea.  He has made all both great and small that is within us, so praise the Lord. 1Chron,16:34 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good for His steadfast love endures forever. We can follow it as a command from God, so we can do it sincerely. Thank God, he is the source of that energy to make things happen. Remember, our full desire and recovery of our destiny is made known to us by God because it is one thing to have an idea but another thing to take step as to realize all. He reveals the deep and secret things that are in the dark places as God brings to light the hidden things of our lives. I urge us, let’s give him thanks over 100 times if not uncountable times per day as an intentional attitude for life in Jesus name.


1.Oh Lord, make us to see the hand of God and say THANK YOU JESUS at all times, for He has done marvelously in Jesus name

ACTION QUOTE: Remember, to live a life of gratitude even when you see no new thing because you cannot copy auction and experience.

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