Geophia Motivational Words

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Faith and not fear

Text: Heb 11:1 (ERV) 

Faith is what makes real the things we hope for. It is proof of what we cannot see.



Fear is an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger.

Faith is the belief and trust in and loyalty to God.


What differentiates faith from fear is sight. In faith, you have not seen it with your physical eyes but your spiritual eyes has seen it through your trust and belief in God. While in fear, you have seen it with physical eyes, but the image your eyes triggered your brain to think of it as a bad thing (which means you

think you are inferior to it, this is completely different from fear for God)

If you look at the stories in the bible where "FEAR NOT" was used, you will realize that the people who fear not was told to had already seen with their physical eyes. For example; Mary had already seen Angel Gabriel with her physical eyes so the angel told her to fear not. (Luke 1:30). 

In contrast, the story of the spies sent to Canaan (Num 13). When Moses was instructing them, he emphasized on the land if it was good and bad. The spies went with their physical eyes alone that is why they returned with news that they say giants.

Meanwhile, Joshua and Caleb also went to that land, but there went with faith because it was the land God has said for them (Num 14: 5-8). They have not seen the land but they hoped for it that is why they say a land filled with milk and honey.

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