Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Baca Experience


Text: Psalms 84:6 (KJV)

Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.

There are seasons of loneliness, hopelessness and moments of inactivity in life as believers.  It is a harsh moment and a time to test our faith as things  may not go as planned.  Job 14:1- Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. The truth about life is, to get to the top of the mountain, you have to pass through the valley.  A lot of people never told the rough stories of their life experiences. Thankfully, the good news is, God is still and is ever-present in times of trouble.  For David, he made a WELL out of his low moment and the best part of it is that the pool was filled with rain. Remember, every testimony is a product of a test. Many people are busy crying, murmuring, and looking for whom to blame on the issues of their lives, but instead we should be trying to figure out our purpose, so as to achieve the glorious destiny while in those valleys of life. Psalms 23:4- Yea, though I walk through the valley of shallow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Always remember, you are not alone in that valley of life. Certain times, God’s assignment and ideas often come in the quest for direction in the valley. 

Amazingly, a family opened an autism foundation because they had a child with this developmental disorder; this led them to search for a solution to no avail.  Instead, it directed them to begin this ministry, which has helped many other children with the same case. Ask yourself this question - What will I produce from my valley experience? What is the advantage of this disadvantage?  Like David, after his anointing, had to hid, to enquire of the Lord before coming out. For you to have an effective delivery of the right keys for direction, deep thoughts are required. You must seek to hear the voice of direction from the Lord, for a turnaround harvest. The time within the valley should be your processing moment. It can grow into branches shade, nest, food, or a wood as you become relevant to your environment. It takes a revelation from God to see the glory coming your way through the valleys of life. James 1:2- My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Cheer up, because some of those valleys has become a road map to your destination with refreshing springs in Jesus name.


Oh Lord, may I receive a fresh revelation that will fire me to my destiny as I pass through the valley of life, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE:  Friends, be sensitive in your valley experience because it is bringing you to your mountain top.

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