Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Focus on JESUS


Text: Psalm 25:15

Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord: for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.

We basically don’t have a clear picture of what to do but we should keep fixing our eyes on God in every circumstances of life. There could be traps and net set but we must be sensitive to focus on the Master. We may not know how to face the battle or ultimately what to do but we can involve God. He can author and perfect all that concerns us so that we will not grow weary and loose our heart.  There are times that our faith is small and we want to give up? Let us learn to start our day with Him and focus on Christ.  It is the nature of most people to run to God at difficult moments. But it is a wrong time to look up to God only on trial times rather it should be our way of life enquiring and depending on God on daily bases. If our eyes can be single and we focus on God, our whole body will radiate light. Mathew 6:22 - The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of light.  Our eyes are windows to our pathway. It is not always easy to run to the leading of the Lord at the centre of the battles. You should have a form mind of determination to avoid conflict of action, because we are always confronted with confusion on the direction to look up to at all times. It is in the midst of the challenge that your commitment and faith in God is being tested. You might not remember God at that thickest moment if you are not God enveloped and loaded because several alternatives are presented as a way of escape. Most times, they have their clause without you seeing it because you are under pressure. 

Interestingly, be assured that the Lord will rescue our feet from the traps and nets of our enemies, just be ready to take instructions and teaching from Him on the right counsel.   There are dangers on the journey of life which are secret to us but not hidden from God. Amazingly, we are able to overcome those big and little crises because of the big God that we are focused on. And we should continue to stir on His face. 2Chronicles 20:12 O our God, wilt thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon thee.  But, where do you look to?  Unpleasant situations happen without prior signals, but we need to be loaded to stand out in the face of challenges. Your confidence in a matter is based on the knowledge and exposure you have on that subject, so you cannot fix your eyes on a God you do not have knowledge about. If you can proof Him reliable on that very concern now, you can trust Him on any issue. He doesn’t change but we need to turn our attention to Him. He is constant but we are the variables. I encourage us to follow Him with genuine encounters in Jesus name.


1.  Father give us calmness to seek the right way from your Word despite several alternatives in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Remember, it is His grace that provoked your achievement, so, do not turn eyes off Him

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