Geophia Motivational Words

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Friday, February 10, 2023

Go for His Current Voice.


Text:  Isaiah 44:1-2

Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant and Isreal whom I have chosen. Thus saith the Lord that made thee and formed thee from the womb, which will help thee, fear not, O Jacob, my servant, and thou Jesurun whom I have chosen.

Friends, we are in a time of clouded vision when we get confused of the voice God, the voice of satan and our own voice. This has made many to give deaf ears to His instruction. I don’t know what you have been going through as His servant, may be God have been speaking and you are not hearing talk less of obeying because of over familiarity? Cheer up to hear again.  This season, the Lord is calling us back to hear the current voice of the moment. You cannot survive with yesterday’s instruction for your today’s upkeep in this kingdom. There is a new and not the old instruction for you as an individual, as a business, as an organization and as a ministry even as a nation.  God have chosen you, so you did not choose yourself for that assignment. Therefore, it is important you get the template of the assignment from the source of the idea so we can consistently enjoy the flow from Him.  You cannot run without HIM. God have chosen and selected you. You need His backing for the ability to fulfill that great assignment. Always, find out, what is Gods next agenda in my purpose as His servant? What is His next face in my walk with God, as to navigate properly?

Interestingly, even in the womb of that idea when it seems like nothing is happening, beloved, God is still speaking at the time of formation but the question is, are you hearing and walking with obedience to those directions? You need to hear the when again, the how, the where, the what etc. Isaiah 44:3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground. I will pour my spirit upon the seed and my blessing upon thine offspring.  The one that made thee can direct your path to the right way. He can lead you to the right purpose, only fear not, because He has chosen you to that location, loaded you with that idea as to fulfill your purpose. You are chosen with that beautiful relationship so, allow Him to give you the step by step process as to arrive well in that new position in Jesus name.


1.Oh Lord, may we be thirsty and hungry for your floods of direction in that dry moment in Jesus name.

2.Father as your servants, may we not be familiar with your voice as to run with your new leading In Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Remember, you got to this position by His leading, so, do not cut off from His voice.

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