Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Grateful In Singing


Text:Psalm 100:1-2 (KJV)

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 

Friends, at this point of the year there is need to be grateful in all even in singing. In our world of today, there are many disturbances and noises everywhere, but we have to distinguish the pleasant ones from the unpleasant ones. Our text of today, tells us to make a joyful noise and to bring a gift of laughter to applaud this good and faithful God who has lead us thus far. Have you ever realized that your password to gain access to His secret is your Worship with singing? Let us sing and worship with a genuine and pleasant heart because his acts upon us are numerous. We can sing because He has been Good, He has been God, He has been Generous, and His blessings are Generational. (GGGG God) The amazing part is that although He has it all, He still inhabits in our song and worship. What a great privilege. We should not keep quiet in worship so He will not raise stones to sing instead; so I urge you not to misuse this great privilege.


As His children, we should develop an unquestionable level of devotion in worship and in singing.  Everything we do daily should have a form of adoration to Him. I tell you, heartfelt worship and singing is better experienced than explained. John4:24- God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Our worship needs to be sincere as this disposition cannot be hidden. We need to get to that point, where we have become aware of His presence around us, and by our worship, His presence should be a response to His acknowledgment. We are meant to experience a sense of peace and freedom with His presence being present. It is beyond raising holy hands. The only thing He requires or needs from us is our adoration despite all the free gifts He is giving to us. Is that not cheap enough to offer?  Psalms 95:1- O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.  I pray God will help us and accept our gratitude in worship and singing in Jesus name.



1.       Oh Lord, I thank you for all you faithfulness in the past month and I am grateful for the 11th month of the miraculous because no one can worship God for me in Jesus name.


ACTION QUOTE: Do not defer to be grateful now at the corner of your heart. Use any song of your choice.

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