Geophia Motivational Words

This is a daily blogger motivational platform where you read, get inspired, and provoked to live daily with gladness as a personal responsibility to life. You can also join live on Facebook Monday to Friday 9am-9:30am

Monday, September 28, 2020

Water turned to wine

Text: John 2:2-3 (KJV)

2And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, they have no wine.

Usually, the absence of wine comes as a challenge to mankind, but how you handle it matters a lot. There is a tendency for a shortage, scarcity, or even dryness of one’s wilderness experience, which usually does not have any timetable, but the question is, did you manage that unexpected situation well or not? One fact about life that marvels me is, challenges of life have no respect for faces, like literally, no age or race challenges only go to, but instead, your size determines your level of challenge. Isn’t that surprising? We can see an illustration of our text of today. Jesus and His disciples were invited to a wedding, and at that wedding, the wine finished. Can you imagine, in the presence of our great Saviour that wine finished? The people at the wedding started to panic and they told Mary, Jesus’ mother, about it, which she told Jesus. At this point, Mary did not see Jesus as her son, but instead as the Saviour and that was the beginning of the change of story. She said to the servants, “whatever He tells you to do, do it”, that statement that was made was the key that changed the story. Isaiah 1:19-If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. Jesus transformed that tasteless, colourless water, which was present to expensive wine, and He can do the same in our lives now.

The truth is, there is still an acceptable gift in every one of us no matter the current scarcity, which the master will use to turn our stories around. Who would have thought that “water” which is tasteless and colourless, would have been the source of transformation? Hmmmm, there is still hope. Just invite JESUS. So I urge every one of us not to commonize the source of transformation or even to get over-familiar with the source of instruction. We should always remember to learn to obey the instructions, no matter how small or big it may seem. 1 Samuel 15:22b- Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. The amazing part is that the wine which was transformed by Jesus was even sweeter than the original one. BELOVED, THE BEST IN YOU IS ABOUT TO BREAK FORTH. So, this tells us, putting our trust in the great solution, Jesus will result in us getting ideas, which will make our journey sweeter, so trust Him today.


1. Oh Lord, please help us to always hear your voice in and out of those challenges, in Jesus name.

2. Oh Lord, may our reserved wine show up, as we enjoy the sweeter part, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Do not forget, there is still sweetness in that bitter situation.


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