Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

God is for me

Text: Romans 8:31 (KJV)

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us.

Have you ever asked yourself this question, who is against me? I believe the majority of us must have thought of that, and we end up either panicking, being anxious, or worrying. There is no harm in having that thought, but what matters most is, what do you do after you have had that thought? Do you just give up and dwell in your state of panicking and worry, or do you answer your thought with the words “GOD IS FOR ME”?That means for you to answer (please be sincere about your answer). The truth is, thinking about who is against you makes no difference for you if you dwell on the scripture above. The point of you dwelling on the text above makes you have so much assurance because you know that God is on your side, and you have nothing to fear or lose. Psalms 27:1- The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?The amazing part is that the fact that He did not spare His only son means that there is absolutely nothing He would not do for us.

The truth is God loves us so much, and that is why He gave us the Holy Spirit to be our counselor and guide, and to also remind us of everything He has promised. So why then, should we be distracted with oppositions and distractions that this world brings? The fact is, whoever is trying to be against you is trying to be against God because He is for you, and who can try to mess with this great God? The answer is nobody, so that means no one can be against you. Psalms 118:6- The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do for me? Always stand on this confidence that God is for you and see that your negative thought fear Him. I tell you, the more you focus on Him, themore we enjoy His help and support in all endeavors, so embrace this great God today and see your day shine brighter.


1. Thank you Lord, for the assurance that Youare for us no matter the storms of life, in Jesus name.

2. Father, please help me to refuse to listen to the noise of opposition, but rather to pay attention to the voice of my defender, in Jesus name.

Action Quote: Can you look up now? There is a God over you, so be confident.

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