Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Outburst of New Wine

Text: Proverbs 3:10 (KJV)

So shall my barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.

I want to share a sister’s testimony. She has been in her business for a while, but her business was not yielding much fruits. So she decided to have a change of business, but as God would have it, she had an encounter with God, and this resulted in her getting a new idea which was repackaging the same product which she had initially. Thankfully, this same business that had no growth grew so much, and this caused her to break so many limits. Hallelujah!!!

The truth about life is that there is always a time or day for any hidden gift or talent to burst. It might be now or later, but it will definitely show. The key needed for experiencing this outburst is patience. Many at times, we are always in a hurry to receive this outburst that we miss the main gift God has for us, and this leads us to go for less than what God had for us. We need to be patient so as not to miss our blessings. Frankly speaking, the point of waiting is actually ordained by God, and this is because He wants us to be fully prepared. The question is, are you getting ready, or do you feel like you are ready? The answer should be I am getting ready because it is a journey. This stage of getting ready will definitely come with temptation that will make you feel like “this is the best you can do, and this is the decision I am taking” like the sister in our testimony who decided to change her line of business, but thank God she was saved. We are meant to stay put, because at God’s destined time we will enjoy the new wine, new ideas, new direction, new favour, new glory, etc. The amazing part is that after those periods of waiting, the later result is always so great, and it is in abundance like a full barn or storehouse that will attract others. So we need to get ready for that outburst of new idea. Deuteronomy28:11- The Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers to give thee.

It says in Mark 2:22- And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles. Our God is generous, but HE CANNOT POUR BLESSINGS INTO A CLOSED HAND. Remember, when new wine is made, it is always sweeter, fresher, and appealing to taste and to the eyes. This is what God is making out of us, but a lot of fermentation has taken place to remove the toxic part of us. That is part of what God is doing in those moments of waiting or delays. So, be patient, because there is a new wine in us, which this season can no longer withhold. It will burst, and we shall spring forth and express to our world with usefulness to both God and humanity. I pray God will help us because we shall suddenly burst out on every side in Jesus name.


1.Father, may my new wine no longer be covered but burst out and shine forth in Jesus name.

2. Oh Lord, may I endure that pressure that will bring out my celebration fast, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE Do not give up, because you are just on the last lap.


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