Geophia Motivational Words

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Monday, July 27, 2020

The Flourishing Believer.

Text: Psalms 92:12-13 (KJV)

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.

I know a testimony of a 70-year-old man, who had struggled in life for a long time but still served God faithfully. Suddenly, the Lord visited him, and he began to flourish in every area of his life at this latter age. All his efforts began to yield double increase financially, spiritually, and otherwise because he remained in the bosom of the Lord.

Have you ever noticed the refreshing growth of trees planted by the riverside? These trees never experience drought, and they are always flourishing in all seasons. Isn’t it amazing? The palm trees and cedar trees are resistant to waves because of how they are made up, as their germination season is not like annual and biannual crops; instead, they are perennial crops. This composition makes their roots to be deep, so that they can have direct access to water. The same goes for us as believers. We need to get deeply rooted and nourished in Christ, so that we can enjoy the flourishing lifestyle which the Holy Ghost has imparted in us. It is a Christ-like lifestyle, and it is also tender and amazing. It has a winning disposition, and it attracts the sweetness of Jesus to the world. This lifestyle always flourishes in all seasons. But for us to experience this flourishing adventure, we need to have a conducive place for planting. No seed can germinate if it is not planted in the right soil. Some environments can cause stunted growth, while some can make your seeds flourish. So ask yourself: where am I planted? When you are planted in the court of the Lord, you will definitely flourish in Him, so stay planted in His courts.

The bible is full of promises, and the majority is for the righteous, but the wicked are like the worthless chaff which the wind blows away. The righteous one in this context is the person who is willing and sincere about accepting Jesus Christ as LORD. The righteousness of Jesus Christ is imputed in us as we are now walking in the newness of life. Proverbs 11:28- He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. We should develop a habit of living a healthy lifestyle, an upright and useful life no matter the level and age you are in now. The amazing part is that these trees have strength and endurance no matter the harsh weather because they are versatile and also durable. They remain vital and relevant at old age because they are in constant growth and are nourished in the Lord to grow like lilies and olive trees with fragrances all around. Remember, you are still valuable no matter your age or level, so do not give up on yourself. WELCOME TO YOUR FLOURISHING ERA.


1.Oh Lord, please help us to remain planted in your court where Jesus is the gardener, in Jesus name.

2. Father, may I continue to get nourished from this ever flowing source, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Have you ever thought about how flourishing you will be in 10 years? Note, it all starts now.

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