Geophia Motivational Words

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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Elevation by Humility.

Text: 1Peter5:6 (KJV)      
Humble yourselves therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.
Have you ever realized that we can hinder our growth due to tiny character faults, and this is mostly because of pride? It says in Proverbs that: Pride goes before a fall, so be very careful. There is always an environment that is ideal or favorable for growth, but we need to be alert so as to locate that place. The quality of being modest is an essential Christian lifestyle. Christ, our role model, is an epitome of humility. As the begotten son of God, He came down to the earth and humbled Himself by taking the form of a servant before He was exalted. Philippians 2:8-9- And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. The secret to the top is humility. We are encouraged to be clothed with the garment of humility that is how to serve with honors. It is a selfless lifestyle that provokes heaven for elevation. The honour received by humility is always outstanding. It lasts forever, even though genuine servanthood is fading nowadays, people now serve with ulterior motives, and there is a real intention hidden to every service. Proverbs 15:33- The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility. The good part is that as we continue to learn and know more about humility, we experience glory in all our endeavors.Woww, really amazing.
God is so loving because even though we were once proud, he is ever ready to welcome us with opened arms, although, the scripture says: God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Humility is not just anything, but it is being comfortable with who you are in the Lord. It can bring you before kings, and can also take and sustain you on the throne. Anointing can take you to the top, but the character is what can sustain you; so do not allow the challenges and suffering of life to bring you to the state of being proud, but instead to a place of humility because certain times we will have to learn it in a hard way and I pray that would not be our portion, in Jesus name. Why go through that hard process to become humble? Let us apply the imputed nature of Christ and live like him so that He will lift us in our due time. We should learn to develop humility through the teaching of the gospel of Christ, which changes your nature little by little. So many people have never survived the sufferings because of their pride in life, so be very careful. Proverbs 22:4- By humility and fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life. Even the Lord mocks the proud, and gives grace and favour to the humble and the oppressed, which can take one to their elevation mode.
Joseph is another character – the special coat that his father gave him and his leadership over Egypt was a humbling experience. Learn to recognize God's hand in everything, and you will gradually grow into humility; also learn not to ascribe the glory of any to yourself. It is indeed not you, but a supernatural enabler that is provoking that action. A humbled man is not self-centered; instead, his concern is how many shall be saved through this action. He cannot pay evil with evil. We need to humble ourselves by yielding to the hand of God. Submit your will and glory to His leadership. This mighty God has the power to exalt us. What we are proud of actually came from him, and He also has the ability to eliminate and end it. Think about it, pride in beauty, certificate, property, talents, good character, good spiritual life, good job, great experience and exposure, academic excellence, etc, all is from God. Let us allow God to exalt us in our due season. God has our schedule, so allow the controller and creator of the universe who can do all things take over.
1.       Father, let the garment of humility be clothed all around us with visible evidence, in Jesus name
2.       Oh Lord, anywhere You have resisted us in the past because of pride may your mercy prevail, in Jesus name.
3.       Oh Lord, please we pray that our due time will not pass us by, but instead, we shall be exalted in Jesus name.
ACTION  QUOTE: You can guide and nurture that succulent good seed germinating now by humility.


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