Geophia Motivational Words

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Saturday, August 12, 2023

The High Calling


Text: Philippians 3:14 (KJV)

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

We are all in a race striving to achieve a great prize with so many people on lane, therefore don’t feel arrived. There is always excellence ahead at each point of your achievement. The more you know him, the more you encounter the prize of His high calling. The runner’s satisfaction is being able to get to the end of the race with an award. So, forget the achievement of now as to see beyond the barriers. Christ’s calling is the ultimate height; we must treasure it with great value and preserve it. If you hold on to what you already have, you may not grow beyond that level you are in to gain more heights. God’s calling is not to despise us but to elevate us into a new glory. To identify your new area of exploits in your calling, you need to search for the required knowledge in that area. Learn to press into a new level of knowledge of the scripture. There are different levels of achievement to obtain a prize:- just about reading the letters, the Spirit enlightening our understanding as we crave for the Spirit behind the letters and finally, -a daily practical use of the revelation acquired. This decade is craving for the expression of the revelation in our careers and daily endeavours.

Interestingly, our desire should be 2Timothy 4:7- I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. We must pursue to achieve but focus on keeping our integrity and personality. We should be conscious of arriving well and keeping all the race regulations to avoid being disqualified. Do not count yourself as an expert but we need to keep our eyes on the goal. We must run hard and right to finish well and receive the applause. Let us fix our thought on Jesus; he is the centerpiece of everything we can achieve in any field in Jesus name.



1.      Oh Lord, take us to a level of knowledge of You, so we can move into application of scriptures in our daily lives, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE:Friends, the past award is over, therefore strive for the prize ahead.


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