Geophia Motivational Words

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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

No Unhealthy Words


Text: Ecclesiastics 7:21(KJV)

Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee.

There is a need for us to have our minds fixed on the needful, and that is why our text of today reminds us not to pay attention or to take to heart all the things that we hear people say or gossip about. We live in a world where many information are passed but you can trash the useless ones. We need to be careful in what we accept into our hearts because it can affect our emotional state. Remember, man is free is talk as we don’t pay for talking but you have the choice to receive the right spoken word. We should cultivate the habit of filtering the unhealthy from the healthy words, and this is where we need to ask God for help. John 8:47 (ESV) - Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God. The question before us is, are you of God? Then you can ask God to help you resist all unnecessary information that is flashed around us. We should rather feed ourselves with information that will take us higher in life and will bring you joy and happiness. Job 36:11- If they hear and serve Him, they will end their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. We should always keep our environment warm with seasoned word of life from the scriptures.

Interestingly, not only is learning to filter information important, but also how you react to those information also matter. This has made many live in bitterness and express a heavy heart. We need to be careful and also learn to take heed to God’s words because it teaches us all we need to know about life.  Beloved, it is never too late, so I urge you to mold your words and reactions today, so as not to sow a seed that you cannot uproot tomorrow.


1. Oh Lord, may we hear and follow God’s command concerning our lives and not what the environment is speaking in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Be attentive to relevant details for a great impact.


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