Geophia Motivational Words

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

His Tender Love.


Text: Psalm 63:3 (KJV)

Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

God’s kindness is selfless and compassionate and we must treasure it. Many of us have seen generosity and support from people. Just imagine how we feel and react over that in just that second love. It can come from a spoken word or an act of service which has played out to mean more to life as it lubricates living. Have you thought about a life without daily loads of kindness, it can dry your existence?  But no matter the quality of kindly treatment you have received from human, our scripture above reminds us that God's loving Kindness is better than all. Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth but a monent: in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning. Our effort did not activate kindness from God but it is God's nature to love us and ours is to respond back because it is a privilege. As believers, the highest form of kindness is God's forgiveness to man by salvation, so don’t resist it.  We should value God's loving kindness so that we can still praise Him in affliction. By our thought of God's goodness, we can wave to appreciate God.

Interestingly, man's show of kindness is always doing nice and expecting nice things to return but it is completely different with our loving God. We most offen pay kindness now or forward because kindness is a chain reaction as it keeps rolling from one to generations ahead. God knows we are human so we make mistakes but he does not respond to us based on our short comings. Psalm 103: 14 For he knoweth our frame,: he remembereth that we are dust. He love and gave us all while we were yet sinners, so have you reciprocated to this great gesture? We have opportunity everyday to show same to neighbours and friends. I urge us to reflect at God's ceaseless show of kindness even in that unpleasant situation in Jesus name.


1.       Father, teach us to practically show and teach kindness to others in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Can you act as God's representative to someone as we wave in praise today?

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