Geophia Motivational Words

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Good Tidings


Text: Luke 2:10 (KJV)   

And the Angel said unto them, fear not; for behold I will bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

Merry Christmas !!!  Merry Christmas !!! Merry Christmas !!!

The gospel is good information to share that makes it a glad tiding as it answers to the turbulence of our time. We need a personal revelation of who God is for the fulfillment of the Word of the season. The period we are in is the season of the birth of the son of God and the prince of peace. We need to involve the good tidings to answer in every situation we are faced with. Certain times there are hard prophecies that we cannot imagine will come through. Like for Mary when she had of the prophecy, she said, “how shall this be seeing I know no man”. I don’t know that big prophesy over your life, and it seems practically speaking it cannot happen. The Good news is that God specializes in difficult matters.  Those things we have concluded that are hard and impossible to achieve, beloved, all we need to do is allow the rebirth of Jesus into that situation. The question in our heart is actually the reason for his birth.  Jesus came to be born into that difficult situation. We only need to allow him and his rebirth into those hard and stubborn matters. Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible

Interestingly, he was born several thousand years ago, but that question is to us today, is He born into every area of our lives? Do you know that area of struggling is because of the absence of the Jesus? Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Also, John 10:10b I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.  We are celebrating and recelebrating Him because there is a need for his rebirth into an area of our lives. The good news is that the power of the highest will overshadow us, and we shall also receive his birth and bring forth that seed which is planted in us. Therefore, do not celebrate publicly without personal revelation and experience. But may the good tidings touch every area of our lives in Jesus name. It is the birth of Jesus that brings about the good tidings. Remember, the world is full of bad tidings, but you can resist it and accept the glad tidings today.  Allow his birth today into your health, Joy, finance, career, character, peace, or your family life etc, do not allow this opportunity to pass you bye.  I encourage you to specifically allow Him to be born in that questionable area as we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit for a rich and satisfying life in Jesus name.


1. May the Lord open my mind for a rebirth of Jesus that will ignite freshness in this one area of my life for testimony in this season in Jesus name.

2. Father may the good news penetrate and gain deep root into our world of today for our transformation to swallow the bad news in Jesus name


Can you receive BABY JESUS presented before you on that hard matter now?

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