Geophia Motivational Words

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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Rest as a success key

Text: Genesis 2:2-3(KJV)

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

I know majority of us love to work, not because we love our jobs or whatever reason might be out there, but because we want to earn money. You earning money is not a problem, but when you earn, and you do not rest that is when it becomes a problem. Medically, it is known that a lot of people die due to overwork (these people work so much, and they did not take a short time to rest, and this resulted in their body shutting down). The bible tells us, there is time for everything, the same goes for rest. A time comes when a man needs to cease from work. Even in companies, a time comes when all the equipments are allowed for a maintenance period, how much more you and I. Amazingly, even God rested, and we can see that in our text above. The truth is, this period of the pandemic is actually given to us for rest because we have laboured a lot, and it is due time we rest. Matthew.11:28- Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

I tell you, we need to form the habit of creating time to rest. This action of resting has so many benefits like it refreshes one, it separates one from all the wicked devices men bring, and it also gives one time to develop ideas that are usually creative, and it will lead to more productivity. We have learnt a lot about rest, but the question is, what do you do when you are in that resting period? Although rest is for the flesh, we still need to do what makes our heart glad. Psalms 16:9- Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. We should form the attitude of resting with our bibles, sleeping, listening to music, exercising, watching nature and art works, even put off electronic equipment etc.  The truth is doing all these things takes us to a place of peace, joy, and happiness which comes from within. So I encourage everyone to take time out of our busy schedule to rest, and by so doing, we will get new ideas for success, and we will become productive in Jesus name.


1.Father, please help me to maintain and manage this big machine called MYSELF by creating a rest time, in Jesus name.

2. Father, may our eyes not be blinded for a time of rest so that it will be well with us, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: What is your rest plan, and how do you manage it?


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