Geophia Motivational Words

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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Obedience to His Voice

Text: Deuteronomy 28:1 (KJV)

And it shall come to pass, if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth. 

For us to experience any increase or elevation in life, we must learn to hear the clear voice of the God we follow; although He speaks in diverse ways, we must learn to comply with His standard since He is the Good Shepherd. The closer you are to Him, the more familiar you are to the tone of His voice. You cannot freely follow the voice if you do not know who you are communicating with; many people have missed a lot because they did not hear the voice of God let alone understand what he said to them, but the truth is, God calls His own by name, they recognize His voice, and He leads them. John 10:4- And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. Also, in John 10:27-28- My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone pluck them out of my hand. Do you still hear His unique voice? Or has it become old school? If you are part of his own, you must listen to his voice at the start, middle, and end points. The language of His voice is HIS WORD. He said in this Word: my sheep hear my voice and follow. Do you still hear that still voice of God? Or is the voice of God strange to you? John 8:47- He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear because you are not of God. The question is: when you hear, do you obey? For you to keep hearing, you must keep obeying. The amazing part of God is that there are still new things to come, so I urge you not to close your channel of hearing to his clear voice so that you are not left out.

Ask yourself: what was His last instruction to me? If you heard one recently, ask yourself again: did I act on it before asking for another voice of direction? His voice makes us into what he wants us to be. If you are disobedient to His voice, that means you are directly obedient to Satan’s voice. Due to the world we live in today, we are exposed to all kinds of voices; both the positive and negative ones. The shocking part is that they come in different ways either as a sound or an utterance, but for us to distinguish these voices, we must learn to walk with God. When we walk with Him, it becomes easier for us to filter the other voices and obey His true voice. Abraham's obedience to sacrifice his only son Isaac was a hard one, but because he always complied with God’s voice, it was easy for him. We just need to allow the Spirit of God to lead us, so that we can continue to hear His voice and not the voices of the world. Remember, it is in obedience that there is a blessing or otherwise a curse.

The best part of this privilege is that it gets to a point where you cannot ignore Him anymore, the reason being that the moment you hear His voice you immediately act on it. How amazing is that! This is because His Word is spirit and life, and that is what provokes us to act. Acts 1:1- The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach. Partial obedience, delayed obedience, and incomplete obedience are still disobedience, and it will never take you anywhere. Instead, it leaves you stranded and exposed to sin. So I urge you to always return to His voice for help, it might be in the form of our daily manual - the Bible, human agents like your biological parents, spiritual parents, lecturers, bosses, friends, and even inanimate objects. So learn to be sensitive to God’s voice and obey accordingly. To show you are obeying His voice, it starts by having quality time in God’s Word, praying, worshiping, and avoiding any negative environment. I pray God will help us, in Jesus name.


1.        Father, please help me to discern and distinguish the clear voice of my Master, and obey it completely even when the voice of the enemy is speaking, in Jesus name.

2.        Father, I silence the voice of the enemy that has made me forfeit my blessings in Jesus name.

3.        Father, I disassociate myself from the wrong company that has become a barrier to the clarity of my channel of communication with You, in Jesus name.

ACTION QUOTE: Are you obeying the voice of God in that new idea you are having?


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