Geophia Motivational Words

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Looking Inward

Text: 2 Kings 4:2 (KJV)
And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil.
There is always something remaining in us, which God uses to bring forth the birth of the miraculous. The substance is not hiding from us, but we need to be conscious to see the elementary particles. Proverbs 20:27-The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the innermost parts of his heart. There is a small amount of God’s nature present within and around us. No matter how empty you may feel, there is a residue of God’s seed around you; it is usually very little. That is why we do not recognize its significance. Therefore, looking inward makes you focus on internal things; it starts from your thought pattern to the physical things within your vicinity. Think about it; there is something you can start with for that miracle to take place. The very first step of any idea is available without cost, and without any or minimal effort, it is usually the future steps that demand some efforts. For instance, from the text of today, there was a pot of oil right in the house of the woman, but she said that she had nothing. She never thought that the pot of oil was her blessing, but we thank God, she still called the pot of oil something, because some people would have said, they had nothing and would have missed a blessing. So, let us learn to look inward, look within from the waste, and the abandoned because that can be your key to activate the recessive gene in you. We need to wake up those inactive seeds so that they can germinate again. Job14:9-Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant.
The funny part about life is that the least seed can become the greatest herb in the forest with several branches, where birds will lodge. A drought center becomes a flourishing place by reason of dew of rain. This teaches us that THERE IS SOMETHING IN YOU THAT YOU CAN USE TO OBTAIN ALL THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Matthew13:32- Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. So, do not devalue and despise that little beginning, but instead, look within and treasure it. We are so preoccupied with the outward that we forget the inward, so let us learn to look inward. That little beginning is available in everything, either in your career, as a man, woman, husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, child, in your business, even in your spiritual life and in that organization and nations etc. Do not live life by complaining; there is something available to start that new idea now that can spike up the fire from within. Be deliberate about it, get your mind into deep thinking, because that your small faith, prayers, line of scripture, smiles, counsel, relationship, etc. can be the raw material for the new idea. There is still something of value in that man, child, organization, church, nation, etc. We are too busy with the giant without realizing it was first a little grain before growth made it a giant.
Even from our text of today, we can see that she obeyed the instruction given by Elisha to borrow plenty of empty vessels from her friends and neighbors. Note, she did not borrow oil but empty vessels, so what you are looking for is within, do not despise whatever you have right now no matter the size. Stop looking forward to other things, instead, look inward first. As we get back to looking inward, it will help us to see what has been provided even though it is in the raw state. Luke11:40- Ye fools, did not he that made that which is without make that which is within also? Beloved, that little residue in your hand cannot be a waste or fail in Jesus name. At the end, the widow with just a pot of oil had excess to sell and pay up the debt, and her children could live with what was left. So, let us learn to be sensitive to prophetic utterance, it may come casually, but we can ignite the Spirit to bring forth the miraculous.
1. Father, please re-activate my inactive abilities that were forcefully made recessive, in Jesus name.
2. Lord, every prophetic utterance, even from my parents and men of God, may they come alive to fulfill a purpose, in Jesus name.
 3. Father, please help us to ignite the power that will provoke the miraculous, in Jesus name.
ACTION QUOTE: Do you know a smile can bring birth to the miraculous that will launch you to a global figure?


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